can you make is so you can toggle gravity? like how some objects fall but some stay up

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please add fruits i would like to make a fruit salad

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Whenever you discover an element, you should be able to like "unlock and use it". Like you unlock it and it's now an element that you can use without having to make it!

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This exact feature is already added! In Settings, turn Hiding to 'Unlock as Discovered'

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a toggleable block, please. would act like air when powered, and like wall when not powered

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I have an idea could u add oblek too ur game so heavy objects would float on it

Light objects would sink also can u add corn starch and make it so u can make oblek by urself please add this to the game i think it will be fun!

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Add activor pls also tiny charms so I can make slime

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Try Borax + Glue! Borax is hidden, so you'll have to use the E button to get it. For the charms, try Glitter or Diamonds from the Powders category. :)

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I have android what do I press on android

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The E button is on the toolbar, the same one as Pause. You may have to scroll to the side if you're on mobile.

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Add strawberry

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I want a mod.

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Check out the mod list for a tutorial and list! https://sandboxels.r74n.com/mod-list

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